Monday, February 16, 2009


You reach a certain point in your life, where you more or less know what you want to be doing in the near future, and have more or less decided which path to take, when suddenly a new, enticing option pops up out of nowhere and takes you completely by surprise. The only trouble is choosing which path to actually take; the one you had decided to pursue all along, or the new unknown option.

It's safe to say I'm going through this myself; I've been thinking about it all the time for a long while now, and this weekend was a sort of a revelation which left me all the more confused. I have till the 22nd of May to finish off and give in my thesis, then a couple of exams and after that.....who knows? The world's all mine to discover. Problem is, I'm not quite sure I'm ready to discover the world as yet. I'm happy with my life as it is right now, with the things I'm doing and the people who are in it, and I'm so afraid the change will bring along changes to the relationships with the people I've come to love so much in these last couple of years, months and weeks. It all oh so stressful....sigh.

A few months ago I was panicking because I didn't see any roads to take in front of me, and now....there are so many I don't know which one to chose.

I'll decide eventually I guess....hope I manage to make the right choice.

Until then, thesis writing continues:)
Much love,

PS I'm not really in this depressive mood ta, I was just thinking a lot these last couple of days (and didn't hurt, so much:P)



Unknown said...

how deep dan - ara tinzel f'xi hofra on the way u tiehu puncture bhal ma grali jien ilbierah

Simon said...

I say just move on and see what happens...Go on to do your best in what you're doing right now...and you'll see where you end up :)